Automatic Generation Technology of Thin-Walled Support Based on Separate Area in Selective Laser Melting
YAN Liqiang1, MENG Yuemei1,2,3, HOU Zhixia1,2,3
1. AVIC Manufacturing Technology Institute, Beijing 100024, China;
2. Aeronautical Key Laboratory for Digital Manufacturing Technology, Beijing 100024, China;
3. Beijing Key Laboratory for NC Machining Technology and Equipment of Complex Component, Beijing 100024, China
The reasonable supporting structure plays an important role in ensuring the forming quality of the parts in the selective laser melting process. The Thin-walled support is the most widely used type of the supporting structure. By analyzing the process elements of thin-walled support structure and describing the automatic generation process of thinwalled grid support structure based on STL model, the algorithm of automatic generation of thin-walled support structure of separate area is proposed and the corresponding software functions are developed. The feasibility of the implementation method is verified by generating the thin-walled partition support structures for parts.
闫利强,孟月梅,侯志霞. 激光选区熔化中分区薄壁支撑自动生成技术[J]. 航空制造技术, 2019, 62(21): 94-100.
YAN Liqiang, MENG Yuemei, HOU Zhixia. Automatic Generation Technology of Thin-Walled Support Based on Separate Area in Selective Laser Melting. Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 62(21): 94-100.