In the view of aircraft assembly pulse production line, the simulation and decision support technologies are discussed, in terms of assembly process, production line planning, material distribution and resource scheduling. These technologies aim to increase the rationality of the planning scheme in the line design stage, and to stabilize the takt time, to guarantee the product due time, and to improve the efficiency of the overall production line in the line operation stage.
陈军,孙技伟,杨毅. 基于仿真决策的飞机总装脉动生产线规划与运行优化关键技术[J]. 航空制造技术, 2018, 61(12): 40-45.
CHEN Jun, SUN Jiwei, YANG Yi. Research on Key Technology of Aircraft Assembly Pulsation Line Planning and Operation Optimization Based on Simulation Decision. Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 61(12): 40-45.