Abstract:In order to explore the influence of selective laser melting (SLM) process parameters on the forming quality of products, the SLM forming experiment was carried out by using titanium alloy Ti–6Al–4V powder as raw material and taking the forming process parameters of point spacing, exposure time and line spacing as variables respectively. The surface morphology, flatness and straightness errors were collected and analyzed, the influence of forming parameters, such as point spacing, exposure time and scanning line spacing on forming quality is analyzed. The results show that the scanning point spacing, exposure time and line spacing are closely related to the surface micro geometry and geometric accuracy. With the increase of line spacing, the surface micro shape becomes rougher and the surface quality decreases, while the geometric accuracy error decreases and then increases with the increase of line spacing. In the exposure time of 80μs and point spacing of 40μm the geometric accuracy of the formed specimen is better than that of the exposure time of 60μs and point spacing of 30μm, and better than that of the exposure time of 100μs and point spacing of 50μm.